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Maui Scuba Diving Fish Guide

a school of fish in maui

Scuba diving in Maui, where you can encounter beautiful tropical fish, Hawaiian green turtles, and even sharks, should be on your bucket list for a vacation in Lahaina. To enhance your diving or snorkeling experience, you can learn about the fish and other marine creatures you might encounter. That’s why Banyan Tree Divers Maui has created a practical Maui Scuba Diving Fish Guide. Inside, you’ll find photos and interesting information about the unique sea life that inhabits Maui’s coral reefs and coastline.

Maui Fish


Commersonʻs Frogfish

a frogfish sits on top of reef in maui

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

Another master of camouflage is the frogfish. Experienced divers are always on the hunt for these truly alien-like creatures. Frogfish have soft, textured bodies resembling a piece of coral or sponge because frogfish can change colors to match their surroundings. So, you can find frogfish in many colors, such as yellow, brown, orange, and black. Frogfish opportunistically attract unsuspecting organisms with a unique appendage that acts like a fishing lure. While sometimes rare, you can find them at every Kaʻanapali and Lahaina scuba diving location!



a scorpionfish sits on the bottom of the ocean in maui

Kahekili Beach Park, Kaʻanapali, Maui

The winner of Maui scuba diving and the winner of camouflaged sea life go to the scorpionfish. They are nearly impossible to spot since they look distinctly like the rocks they perch on top of. Scorpionfish are rated as one of the most poisonous creatures in the animal kingdom and are the perfect reason not to touch anything underwater. Their spines contain a venomous mucus that is fatal to other animals but only extremely painful for humans.



a close up of a lizardfish

Kaʻanapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

The lizardfish’s cream and brown colors blend well with the sandy ocean floor. They often bury themselves in the sand with their eyes exposed and can attack prey from up to 6 feet away! Fourteen of the 50 species of lizardfish can be found on the Hawaiian Islands.



a close up of a large flounder

Kaʻanapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

This recognizable member of the flatfish family looks just like it sounds. Juvenile flounders look like regular fish with eyes on either side of their bodies. As they mature, one eye slowly drifts to the other side of their heads. Thus, the adult flounder has two eyes facing upward that can rotate in any direction.


Spotted Eagle Ray

a spotted eagle ray looking for food in the sand in maui

Kaʻanapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

This graceful member of the Eagle Ray family tends to prefer ocean temperatures of 75 – 81 degrees Fahrenheit, making Hawaiʻi an attractive area to frequent. Their lateral diamond-shaped bodies include several venomous barbs at the base of their long tails, and they have beautiful white dots on their heads and wings. Due to overfishing, they have been listed on the IUCN Red List as near threatened, mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa.

They forage in the sandy bottom for crustaceans and mollusks. Their predators are mainly sharks. Since the females mature eggs within and give birth to live pups, sharks have been seen following pregnant females and feeding on the newly born eagle ray pups.


Whitetip Reef Shark

a whitetip reef shark swims at mala pier in lahaina maui

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

Whitetip reef sharks are the most common sightings on shallow reefs around Maui. They are generally harmless to divers because their diet consists of small fish, octopuses, and crustaceans. Unlike other sharks, which must constantly swim to breathe, Whitetip Reef Sharks can pump water across their gills, allowing them to rest on the bottom during the day. 

Whitetip reef Sharks like to hide in caves or crevices and typically return to the same shelters for months or even years. Their loyalty to certain areas is believed to have inspired the Hawaiian belief in ʻaumākua, the spirits of family ancestors who take animal form and protect their descendants. 

Their susceptibility to overfishing, coupled with a slow reproductive rate, has led to the IUCN listing them as Vulnerable. Hawaiʻi recently outlawed catching, harming, or killing sharks in state waters. If adequately regulated, this will help maintain their populations.


Ornate Butterflyfish

Ornate Butterflyfish swimming along the reef in Ka'anapali, Maui.

Ornate Butterflyfish, Kaʻanapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

The Ornamentate butterflyfish is one of the most photogenic fish in Maui. Its bright, contrasted colors protect it from predators and make for excellent photos. Adults are predominantly found in pairs and stay together for life, earning it the title of the most romantic fish you can see snorkeling or diving in Lahaina.

These fish feed exclusively on coral polyp tissue and avoid corals with seaweed growth. This makes them susceptible to starvation in coral colonies that experience heavy algae growth during changes in water temperature and nutrient levels.

Kikakapu Kapuhili

Raccoon Butterflyfish

Ornate Butterflyfish swimming along the reef in Ka'anapali, Maui.

Black Rock, Kaʻanapali, Maui

This fish’s name is attributed to the black patches around its eyes, which resemble raccoons. Raccoon butterflyfish are nocturnal and feed primarily on nudibranchs and small invertebrates. They are often found in small schools and can be seen feeding on algae and coral polyps during the day.

Lau Hau

Threadfin Butterflyfish

threadfin butterflyfish grazing on reef

Kapalua Bay, Maui, Hawaiʻi

Threadfin butterflyfish have a wide Indo-Pacific distribution. Unlike their counterparts in the Red Sea, those found in Hawaiʻi have a black spot on their dorsal fins. They tend to hide more than the ornate butterflyfish and are thus more challenging to spot without inspecting underneath the coral.

Lau Wiliwili-nukunuku-oioi

Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish

A longnose butterflyfish at Mala Pier Lahaina

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

The yellow longnose butterflyfish is very territorial. These monogamous fish aggressively defend their territory by chasing out intruders. Males chase males, and females chase females. Males keep other males from their mates, and females block other females from their food source. They are not monogamous without the need to co-parent as they lay free-floating eggs, but their teamwork significantly increases their survival. Heterosexual pairs have been observed together for up to seven or more years.

Kika Kapulauhau

Teardrop Butterflyfish

Two teardrop butterflyfish swimming in Kaanapali

Kapalua Bay, Maui, Hawaiʻi

These beautifully painted fish feature a black upside-down teardrop on their flanks! Teardrop Butterflyfish reach a maximum length of 7.9 inches (20 centimeters). Like other species of butterflyfish, they are monogamous. You can observe these fish in shallow coral reefs and lagoons. They feed on soft and hard corals, small crustaceans, and filamentous algae.

Lau Hau

Bluestripe Butterflyfish

A close up of a bluestripe butterflyfish

Kaʻanapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

This particular species is rare and only found in the Hawaiian Islands! They inhabit shallow reef areas, although it has recently been discovered that Bluestripes live at depths as deep as 600 feet. The horizontal blue lines along their yellow bodies make them very distinctive. These omnivorous fish need resource-rich environments where it is easier to find food. Thus, males of this species operate a harem system where they defend territory that includes up to four smaller females.

Lau Hau

Four Spot Butterflyfish

A close up of a fourspot butterflyfish at Mala Pier Lahaina

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

This fish’s name comes from the two white spots near its dorsal fin and tail on either side of its body. Four spots feed exclusively on hard corals, and their abundance in a reef system is an excellent indicator of reef health. Recent global changes in climate, especially the beaching events of 2015-2016 due to rising ocean temperatures, have caused noticeable changes in the Fourspot’s reproduction rates.

Lau Hau

Rainbow Butterflyfish

Two rainbow butterflyfish graze on coral

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

As its name suggests, the rainbow butterflyfish is among the most colorful in the butterfly family. We often see these beauties at Mala Pier in Lahaina. Their attractive stripe pattern, contrasted by jet-black lines, makes them some of the most enticing to photograph.

Lau Wiliwili

Lemon “Milletseed” Butterflyfish

a close up of a lemon milletseed butterflyfish

Kaʻanapali, Maui Hawaiʻi

This small yellow fish has tiny black spots along its flank in a vertical pattern. Although common in Hawaiʻi, they are only found in Hawaiʻi! Twenty-five percent of Hawaiʻi’s reef fishes are endemic to the islands! That is an enormous number and part of what makes diving in Hawaii unique. Butterflyfish can be found down to depths of 820 feet.

This schooling Butterflyfish species lives in the water column and feeds on zooplankton. It breeds between January and May, and juveniles can be found along shallow West Maui coral reefs between April and June!

Potter’s Angelfish

a close up of a potters angelfish

Male Potter’s Angelfish in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaiʻi

Potter’s Angelfish is another example of a species native only to the Hawaiian Islands. They are rare to see because of their shy nature. A Male Potter’s Angelfish has bright orange and blue colors! This coloration makes them a favorite among avid Maui scuba divers and snorkelers. They spend much of their time at “cleaning stations” where they eat algae from the shells of Hawaiian Green Turtles.


Yellowtail Wrasse

a yellowtail wrasse swimming underwater

Maui, Hawaiʻi

This wrasse is strong and can push rocks and coral over to find food beneath. With two prominent teeth in the upper jaw, the Lolo eats snails, hermit crabs, sea urchins, shrimps, and mollusks. They bury themselves in the sand at night. Scuba divers and snorkelers can find Yellowtail Wrasse in shallow West Mauin coral reefs.

Hinalea Lauwili

Saddle Wrasse

a close up of a saddle wrasse in Maui

Maui Hawaiʻi

The saddle wrasse is the most abundant reef fish in the Hawaiian Islands due to its extraordinary ability to change sexes. Its name comes from the red stripe, or “saddle,” that extends around its body behind its pectoral fin.

There are 43 fish in the wrasse family, and 13 are native to Hawaii. At Kahekili Beach Park or Airport Beach in Kaanapali, a long-time resident saddle wrasse circles our legs, searching for food that lifts out of the sand while we practice our dive skills.


Juvenile Yellowtail Wrasse

a close up of a juvenile yellowtail wrasse

Often mistaken for Nemo, this juvenile wrasse has a bright orange-red body with white spots. Interestingly, whenever female juvenile wrasses become overrepresented in their respective groups, some of them change their sex to male.

Kihi Kihi

Pennantfish or Bannerfish

a school of pennant butterflyfish in Kaanapali Maui

Kahekili Beach Park, Kaʻanapali, Maui

These schooling fish are found in the water column, feeding on plankton. Bannerfish can also be found eating algae from turtles’ backs. They are easily mistaken for the Moorish idol, which is highlighted next. So, Bannerfish sometimes get called false Moorish Idols.

Kihi Kihi

Moorish Idol

a moorish idol swims along the reef at Airport Beach Maui

Kahekili Beach Park, Kaʻanpali, Maui

Often recognized as Gil from Finding Nemo, this distinct fish has beautiful yellow, white, and black markings and an extended dorsal fin. It can grow an impressive 10 inches in length; the older it gets, the less prominent its dorsal fin becomes. In adulthood, it is often found alone.

The name Moorish Idol’s comes from the Moors of Africa,, who supposedly believed a Moorish Idol fish could bring happiness. Although popular in the aquarium trade, this fish species has difficulty adjusting to life in captivity. Moorish Idols are picky yet voracious eaters and can become destructive!


Rainbow Cleaner Wrasse

a close up of a rainbow cleaner wrasse

Maui, Hawaiʻi

The endemic Hawaiian rainbow cleaner wrasse is famous for its cleaning services. It populates territories called “cleaning stations,” where larger animals congregate to have parasites, loose skin flakes, and mucus removed from their bodies. The wrasse can even be seen cleaning the gills and teeth of much larger fish and eels—or maybe ear wax from a human’s ear!

Hinalea I Iwi

Bird Wrasse

a close up of a bird wrasse

Maui, Hawaiʻi

The bird wrasse might be the easiest fish to identify with the male’s deep blue and green coloration. Females tend to be browner. Its prominent snout allows it to dig for prey and break it into small pieces. Like other wrasses, they can change sexes to adapt to the breeding environment.


Convict Tang

convict tang swimming along reef in Maui

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

Convict tangs are members of the surgeonfish family and are widely found along shallow reefs in Hawaiʻi. They are herbivores and spend much of their time during the day grazing on seaweed. These algae feeders play a crucial role in maintaining reef health. They stifle the growth of fast-growing algae that has the potential to choke the reef if left unchecked.

Manini was an important food source for early Hawaiians and is still consumed today. In modern Hawaiian slang, Manini can mean “no big thing.”


Yellow Tang

a yellow tang swimming in kaanapali maui

Kaʻanapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

These brightly colored yellow fishes are perhaps some of the most recognizable Hawaiʻi reef fishes. Like the Convict tang, Yellow tangs are members of the Surgeonfish family. They use blades at the end of their tails for defense to ward off competitors from feeding in their territory.

Yellow tangs are popular fish to acquire for the aquarium trade. As of 2021, Hawaii banned collecting aquarium fish pending a further environmental review. This controversial dispute is ongoing.



a parrotfish swims along the reef in Maui

Kaʻnapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

These easily recognizable fish are common inhabitants of shallow reefs. You can distinguish Parrotfish males by their brightly colored blue, green, pink, and yellow. Their sharp front teeth are used to graze on delicate seaweeds that grow on rocks and dead corals. Indeed, Parrotfish bite off chunks of coral and convert those pieces into fine sand. Estimations show that large Parrotfish produce as much as one ton of sand per year, making this species very important to sand production and keeping coral reefs healthy.



a trumpetfish at mala pier in lahaina maui

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

It is easy to see where the trumpetfish gets its name. Their long bodies stalk the coral bed and stealthy attack prey by widening their jaws and sucking the victim up into their almost transparent bodies. The Nunu sometimes follow schools of surgeonfish feeding on tiny organisms forced from cover as they graze along the reef.


Bluespine Unicornfish

a bluespine unicornfish swims at mala pier in lahaina maui

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

Bluespine unicorn fish are common tangs. They have blueish-grey bodies with blue spines on each side of the base of their tails. A short, bony horn protrudes from their forehead, hence their name. They can grow up to 27 inches in length.

Kala was an important food source in old Hawaiʻi and is still consumed today. The kalaʻs tough skin was stretched over half a coconut used to make a small knee drum.

Umauma Lei

Orangespine Surgeonfish

a close up of an orangespine surgeonfish

Maui, Hawaiʻi

This is another surgeonfish that is intrinsic to the health of Hawaiʻi’s shallow reefs. They graze on algae and keep it from getting out of control. Their grey bodies are treated to a color boost of two orange spines on either side of the base of their tails and yellow coloring on their faces.


Rectangular Triggerfish

two triggerfish at black rock kaanpali maui

Black Rock, Kaʻanapali, Maui

This is the Hawaiʻi state fish! The Rectangular Triggerfish has a famously long Hawaiian name, which you might overhear at the beach during your Maui vacation. Rectangular Triggerfish are plentiful and a common sighting for snorkelers and scuba divers in Maui. This aggressive-minded solitary fish spends its day digging for invertebrates buried in the sand. They can often be seen chasing other fish out of their territory or sometimes fleeing a predator by making grunting noises to warn other Triggerfish. They are incredibly aggressive when guarding eggs.


Picasso Triggerfish

a close up of a picasso triggerfish

Maui, Hawaiʻi

While not dangerous, the Picasso Triggerfish can appear quite aggressive. It is known to chase scuba divers and snorkelers when guarding its nest. Although they are small and unlikely to do any harm, you should try to keep a distance. We often spot these beautifully colored fish at Airport Beach and Black Rock in Ka’anapali.


Hawaiian Damselfish

hawaiian damselfish swimming above coral

Kaʻanapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

Endemic Hawaiian dDamselfishlooks about the size of your fist. These fish can often be seen swelling in and out of cauliflower corals as juveniles and actively defending more significant swathes of the reef as adults. They are foragers yet territorial and make distinct clicking noises when threatened. They will even dart at your hand or mask! Have no fear they are no bigger than 5 inches (12.5 cm). Males provide sole care for their offspring, unlike most animals. The female DDamselfishguard the territory that they grew up in.


Pinktail Triggerfish

a close up of a pinktail triggerfish

You can find these beauties swimming in shallow water. Pinktail Triggerfish grow up to 16 inches long. They are one of the largest Triggerfish in the species!


Hawaiian Green Turtle

a hawaiian green turtle swimming in lahaina maui

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

Maui is home to some of Hawaiian green turtles’ most significant nesting grounds. Once endangered, turtle populations have recently made a considerable comeback. They can reach lengths of up to 4 feet and weigh over 300 pounds. Of the seven types of sea turtles, the Hawaiian green turtle (native to Hawaiʻi) is the most common.

Turtles must breathe surface air, but they have been known to hold their breath for up to five hours! Though their eyesight is excellent underwater, they are nearsighted above water and on land.

The Hawaiian green turtle does not reach sexual maturity until 20, with some turning 40 before mating for the first time! Males grow long, thick tails, while females’ tails remain short.

Every two years, turtles travel nearly 600 miles to lay their eggs. The mother lays 75-100 eggs per nest in the sand away from the tide line, and she can dig as many as six nests. Turtles lay eggs in the early summer months because the temperature of the sand determines sex. The cooler the sand, the more males will hatch. Their eggs take two months to hatch.

Early life is hard for turtles. NOAA estimates that 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 10,000 will make it to adulthood. Interestingly, young turtles return to their original coastal habitat after surviving in the open ocean for 5 to 10 years. Their life span is estimated to be 50-150 years.


White Mouth Moray Eel

a moray eel emerges from the reef in maui

Kaʻanapali, Maui, Hawaiʻi

White mouth Morays reach up to lengths of 4 feet in Hawaiʻi, although they can grow much more significant in other parts of the world. We occasionally see eels hunting in tandem with the invasive peacock grouper. This paring is the only known cooperative hunting by any species of fish.

White-mouth morays hunt at night. Their excellent sense of smell makes up for their poor eyesight. They have two jaws! The second set of jaws pulls prey toward their stomachs. While not inherently dangerous, getting too close could invite a quick lashing out from these cautious critters.

He’e Mauli

Day Octopus

an octopus hides underneath reef

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

If you see an octopus out hunting, prepare for a delightful spectacle. Octopuses have mastered their disguise and can change color and texture depending on their surroundings. Their lithe bodies and arms allow them to fit through tight spaces. The only complex structure they contain is a beak with a highly sharp-toothed tongue that octopuses use to pick apart crustaceans and small fish. 

Though they see only black and white, they rapidly focus their eyes at different depths, taking in light from multiple directions. Therefore, they may be able to distinguish colors despite being colorblind! 

A 19th Century saying in Hawaiian said:

Pua ke kō, kū mai ka heʻe

When the sugarcane flowers, the octopus appears 

Sugar cane had been a staple crop of the Hawaiian Islands, and the cane blooms in November when many believe octopuses are more abundant in the reef. 


Spiny Lobster

a spiny lobster in kaanpali maui

Kahekili Beach Park, Kaʻanapali

Spiny lobsters are much smaller than the lobsters that initially come to mind. Three species of spiny lobster are found in Hawaii. They can be hard to find because they like to hide during the day. Although they have been a delicacy in Hawaiʻi for many years, declining numbers have made them off-limits to commercial fishing.


Slipper Lobster

a slipper lobster at night in maui

Mala Wharf, Lahaina, Maui

Slipper Lobsters in Hawaiʻi lack large claws and reach about 7 inches. Referred to as the “insects of the ocean,” slipper lobsters donʻt discriminate in their food source only when they eat. This lobster species can often be seen foraging at night. They can grow as long as 20 inches in other parts of the world.

Final Thought About Maui’s Fish

We hope you enjoyed our guide to Maui’s fish. Scuba diving in Maui is a truly memorable experience, and it becomes even more enjoyable when you know what you are looking at!

Certified divers can take the PADI Advanced Diver course to select a dive focused solely on fish identification and reef ecology. All scuba divers can purchase a photography package highlighting the beautiful fish they see while diving in Maui!