How to Spot Sea Life Scuba Diving in Maui

Sometimes the fish look at you too, Lahaina, Maui
The Art of Spotting the Good Stuff
When I go scuba diving in Lahaina, I often get asked, “How did you see that?” This question got me thinking: How do I spot tiny creatures that no one else finds or a camouflaged fish hiding in plain sight? The more I think about it, the more I realize that several factors are at work: experience, patience, perspective, and dedication. Let me explain.
Your Maui Scuba Experience Level
Unfortunately, you can’t teach this part of the equation. After logging over 10,000 dives, I can say that I’m comfortable underwater with a high level of awareness. Compared to a beginner diver, I think less about my technique, less about my buoyancy, and less about my air consumption. These experience-driven components of scuba diving are second nature to me. I achieve neutral buoyancy without thinking much about it. I can estimate how much air I have at any time because I don’t have to focus so much on the basics of diving. My underwater experience level allows me to pay more attention to Maui’s aquatic life and ensures I never have harmful interactions with the surrounding coral reef.
Two of my favorite aspects of teaching scuba diving in Maui are mastering buoyancy control and building confidence underwater. Whether you complete your PADI Open Water Course or continue your dive education with the PADI Advanced Course, you will gain the tools to make breathing and swimming underwater second nature so that you can focus on finding critters.
Your Patience Scuba Diving in Maui

A Scorpionfish sits on the sandy bottom at Airport Beach in Kaanapali, Maui.
For instance, if you are looking for Scorpionfish at Airport Beach in Kaanapali, you may need to search for a tiny area for several minutes rather than scan across it in a few seconds. You must move slowly, looking for hidden eyes, a slight movement, or a decorative fin.
I’ve noticed that certain species tend to stay in similar environments. For example, if you’ve seen a scorpion fish among a specific type of coral in the past, that same type of coral is a great place to start your search. Be prepared to cover less ground; thoroughly examining every inch of the reef is the best way to discover new and fascinating sea life. You might search for fifteen minutes without finding anything of interest, but your patience can pay off when you suddenly spot a tiny purple Sponge Decorator Crab you have never seen!
(go for a night dive in Lahaina)
Your Perspective Changes Underwater

Gold-Lace Nudibranch in Lahaina, Maui
Changing perspective is a crucial step in the process. The phrase, “Can’t see the forest for the trees,” applies here. You will miss the sea turtle swimming overhead if you get too lost in each square inch. If you are only looking for big stuff out in the blue, you will swim right past a rare nudibranch.
It’s all about shifting your perspective and re-focusing often. Scour the posts at Mala Wharf in Lahaina, but remember to glance behind you. It can be the case that something big is nearby!
Look into that crevice, let your eyes adjust to the dark, and spend time looking over each inch of perfect nudibranch hiding places, but occasionally glance away looking for mid-size creatures, too. There is nothing worse than being the only group who missed the sharks! Yup, that happens to the best of us.
Your Dedication to the Hawaiian Search

Frogfish at Mala Wharf in Lahaina, Maui
Keep at it. Keep trying. Spend time in the ocean; don’t give up. People often say, “I never find that stuff,” or “My eyes aren’t good enough.”
I often find that once you find something hard to spot, you will keep seeing it over again. You learn hiding places and get a feel for what’s around the corner. Before you know it, every Maui dive will surprise you with discoveries!
Happy Diving in Maui!